
Zachary Ramsey is 13 years old in 7th grade and lives in Corona, CA. He has been in love with anything to do with Halloween and scary movies since he was 8 or 9 years old. He began decorating his house every Halloween with yard signs, but then he progressed to building haunted mazes in his garage! He begins counting down to the next Halloween and begins saving his money the day after Halloween is over.

In addition to haunted houses, Zach has always had an affinity to sculpting masks. Several years ago, he met James and Tayler Brown and they have mentored him ever since. Zach volunteers every year as a scare actor at Labyrinth of the Lost Relics and also helps build it. He spends his own money every year perfecting his character.

Presently, the majority of Zach’s spare time is spent perfecting his sculpting and will take any opportunity to progress further in the haunt industry.