Creator, Immersion X Productions, the Worlds First Augmented Reality Live Immersion Theater Haunt
Todd Larsen LA/NY and Immersion X Productions, is a creation, production and entertainment company known for creating the Worlds First Augmented Reality Live Immersion Theater Haunt.
Immersing scare seekers into the 4th Dimension for a 3rd year.
Known for creating Live Immersive theater, as a collision of reality, Haunted House, Paranormal Investigation, Escape room, Interaction, and Technology.
Todd is know for performances, teaching and speaking engagements around the World, including NY and LA. He has become an innovating Creation Coach in Live Theater creation and Utilizing simple techniques (low budget) to high tech in creating unique experiences.
Known also as creating “The Experience that begins when you buy your ticket”™
Augmented reality